Text Cash Network

Monday, November 21, 2011

Text Cash Network Yacht Leadership Cruise

Text Cash Network -Click Here           

January 6th/7th 2012 - The T.C.N. Private Luxury Yacht Leadership Cruise.

Leadership will be invited to the new T.C.N. Corporate Offices to spend time with Brett Hudson, Joe Reid and The Johnson Group for a two day private event. 

Brett Hudson
Click Here to Listen to Brett Hudson

Accommodations at one of Boca Raton, Florida's most luxurious hotels including meals will be paid for by Text Cash Network. Leaders will also enjoy a luxury private yacht cruise on the south Florida Intercoastal Waterway seeing mega million dollar homes on what many call "The VENUS of AMERICA". 
Invitation is only for leaders who have reach the level of SENIOR EXECUTIVE or PRESIDENTIAL with over 10,000 Agents in their POWER-GRID by 01/01/2012. 

Text Cash Network Power In Dreams

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Text Cash Network Pay Plan

Text Cash Network Power Pay Plan
#1. The POWER-GRID pays FREE & VIP Referral Agents
#2. The POWER-LINE pays FREE & VIP Referral Agents
#3. The POWER-SHARE pays ONLY VIP Referral Agents
#4. The POWER-MATCH pays ONLY VIP Referral Agents

The 100% FREE POWER-GRID pays a Referral Agent a MAXIMUM of $.75 to $1.50 Per Active Referral Agent up to 10 Levels of Referrals. A 2x10 & 3x10 is displayed on your website. However, since there are no limits on the amount of referrals a Referral Agent may refer. There could be a billion different combinations. Here are real examples of real referral agents who have already reached 10 levels of referrals within 14 days. 

Here is an Referral Agent who personally referred 77 Referral Agents; The 77 collectively referred 321 onto his 2nd level; The 321 collectively referred 820 onto his 3rd level; The 820 collectively referred 2071 onto his 4th level; The 2071 collectively referred 2809 onto his 5th level; The 2809 collectively referred 3527 onto his 6th level; The 3527 collectively referred 4530 onto his 7th level; The 4530 collectively referred 4327 onto his 8th level; The 4327 collectively referred 3616 onto his 9th level; The 3616 collectively referred 2894 onto his 10th level for a grand total of 24,992 with a MAXIMUM TEXT PAY of $20,914.50 Monthly. This an example and the compensation in this example would come from members/agents receiving up to 5 text messages a day. 

Here is an Referral Agent who personally referred 11 Referral Agents; The 11 collectively referred 148 onto his 2nd level; The 148 collectively referred 487 onto his 3rd level; The 487 collectively referred 642 onto his 4th level; The 642 collectively referred 630 onto his 5th level; The 630 collectively referred 431 onto his 6th level; The 431 collectively referred 198 onto his 7th level; The 198 collectively referred 178 onto his 8th level; The 178 collectively referred 169 onto his 9th level; The 169 collectively referred 108 onto his 10th level for a grand total of 3,002 with a MAXIMUM TEXT PAY of $2,332.50 Monthly. This an example and the compensation in this example would come from members/agents receiving up to 5 text messages a day. 
We find it simpler to say 10 levels by the power of 2 equals a MAXIMUM TEXT PAY of $2,302.50 Monthly. Bring it up to the power of 3 and it is just to much to put into print. 

NOTE: All of the above is based on The 100% Free Model. All of the above has a BILLION Combinations based on how many referred how many on each level up to TEN LEVELS of Referral Agents. 

#2 THE POWER LINE is NOT A BINARY (Patent Pending) 
When the Exclusive POWER-LINE Tracking Chart is available you may truly grasp how powerful THE POWER-LINE IS. The POWER-LINE Compensation is shared by both 100% FREE & VIP Referral Agents. In the POWER-LINE a FREE or VIP Referral Agent may have many LINKED BONUS POWER-LINE Positions with each one awarded Bonus Points. Each one duplicating itself over and over again and again. A 100% Free Referral Agent could be awarded tens, hundreds or even thousands of LINKED BONUS POWER-LINE Positions. The key word is LINKED. Currently we have over 55,000 Referral Agents in the POWER-LINE. Now imagine YOU just register as a new 100% FREE Referral Agent. HOWEVER in about 24 hours everyone of the 54,000 Referral Agents will have a LINKED BONUS POSITION in front of you generating many more LINKED BONUS POSITIONS to your original FREE POSITION. Each one awarded bonus points with each bonus point having potential compensation for your original position. Again once you see the real time tracking chart in your FREE BACK OFFICE all will be clearer. 

How fast you receive additional LINKED BONUS POSITIONS will be based on your level of achievement. DETAILS COMING SOON 

#3 THE POWER-SHARE full details by 12/12 (Patent Pending) 
This is possibly more exciting than The POWER-GRID, POWER-LINE and The POWER-MATCH Combined. When you see the details of this POWER-SHARE there will be potential personal sales commissions available of $500; $1,000; $5,000 and more. Plus an equal amount shared up to 10 levels of Active VIP Referral Agents in The POWER-GRID. Plus as you will see in the POWER-MATCH another equal amount shared with up to 5 Qualified Referral Agents in The POWER-GRID. Example: When a FREE or VIP Referral Agent earns $500 in The POWER-SHARE up to 10 additional Referral Agents could receive $50 which would also calculate another potential $500 in POWER-MATCH Bonuses paid to the Qualified Referral Agents in the upline. 

Only VIP Referral Agents Can Earn POWER-MATCH Bonuses on the compensation earned up to 5 levels of Referral Agents in their POWER-GRID on compensation earned in The POWER-GRID, POWER-LINE and POWER-SHARE Compensation Plans as follows: 

MANAGER earns a 20% POWER-MATCH on level 1
SENIOR MANAGER earns a 20% POWER-MATCH on levels 1 & 2 
EXECUTIVE earns a 20% POWER-MATCH on levels 1, 2 & 3
SENIOR EXECUTIVE earns a 20% POWER-MATCH on levels 1, 2, 3 & 4
PRESIDENTIAL earns a 20% POWER-MATCH on levels 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 

MANAGER is a VIP RA with 3 Personal VIP RAs
SENIOR MANAGER is a VIP RA with 3 Personal Managers
EXECUTIVE is a VIP RA with 3 Personal Sr Managers
SENIOR EXECUTIVE is a VIP RA with 3 Personal Executives
PRESIDENTIAL is a VIP RA with 3 Personal Senior Executives

Soon your T.C.N. POWER COMPENSATION PLAN will be available in your back office with charts and diagrams for a better understanding. 

IMPORTANT: The following paragraph MUST BE READ ALOUD or whenever The Text Cash Network compensation plan is presented verbally, by phone, or included in its entirety when communicating in writing, e-mail or webinar: 

The Text Cash Network is a 100% FREE OPPORTUNITY. No commissions are paid for the act of recruiting. T.C.N. Compensation is earned only when: #1) a member/agent provide a service to the company such as receiving up to 5 texts or e-mails daily is a service. #2) When a member/agent were to sell or purchase a product or service. Any purchase of any product or service is 100% OPTIONAL. There are three levels of involvement. Members, Referral Agents & VIP Referral Agents. VIP Referral Agents have sold or purchased a domestic or international VIP Advertising Package to a Non-Member or Non-Referral Agent. 

If a Member or Referral Agent wants to participate in The POWER-SHARE TEXT POOL ADVERTISING PROGRAM, They must be very clear that you are purchasing TEXT PACKAGES for T.C.N. to GIVE AWAY as FREE TEST for businesses to try our service 100% FREE. You are NOT purchasing stock or any other form of "investment" or equity. You MUST actually use the TEXTS that you purchase or give them to The T.C.N. POWER-SHARE ADVERTISING PROGRAM. Affiliates who present our products to others in a misleading manner or in a way that leads the buyer to believe he or she is making an investment or purchasing equities will be terminated and all commissions and awards will be forfeited. Buyers MUST read "How The T.C.N. POWER-SHARE ADVERTISING PROGRAM Works" on The Text Cash Network website and The Legal Disclaimers." 

Monday, November 14, 2011

FREE sms- Get Paid To Receive Texts NEW

First Time In History- Get Paid To Receive SMS TEXTS - Click Here Now

Get More Info

Text Cash Network

What will be the difference between Groupon Type Daily Deals and Text Cash Network Daily Deals.

#1 With Groupon Type Daily Deals. The Daily Deal companies collect the funds up front and then passes a portion of such funds back to the business which had to honor such coupons. In many cases the business does not receive any of the funds for up to 60 to 90 days. Putting a tremendous cash flow strain on small businesses. With TEXT CASH NETWORK the consumers pay all of the funds directly to the business. 

#2 With Groupon Type Daily Deals your discount MUST be 50% or greater. With TEXT CASH NETWORK, the business chooses what discount to offer consumers. 

#3 With Groupon Type Daily Deals are actually gift certificates purchased by the consumer. With TEXT CASH NETWORK, they are FREE coupons with a discount offer. 

#4 With Groupon Type Daily Deals, you give up at least 75% (SEVENTY FIVE %!) off your retail price! (50% to the consumer, and 50% of the balance to Groupon!) Your advertising expense is ENORMOUS! With TEXT CASH NETWORK, a local business can publish coupons at any time for a fixed price as low as $99. (These sales are made direct to the businesses from T.C.N. in house sales reps).

#5 With Groupon Type Daily Deals, a business needs to accept an unlimited number of discounted sales. Most businesses are not ready to give up 75% on hundreds of sales? Most businesses can not handle that much low-margin or no-margin at all type business? With TEXT CASH NETWORK, a business can make unlimited changes to their coupon offer for FREE... 24/7... so they can change and tweak and test and measure to find the BEST offer for their business and for their customers. You can improve your offer, reduce it, or take it down ANYTIME. 

#6 With Groupon Type Daily Deals, (BY LAW) you MUST accept their 50% off certificates for at least 5 years! With TEXT CASH NETWORK, a business can set the expiration date for any date. It's their choice. 

#7 With Groupon Type Daily Deals, If a business gets 100 new customers @ 50% discount, Each pays $50 for $100 of the product or service, the business pays Groupon Type Daily Deal Companies $2,500. With TEXT CASH NETWORK, the business will pay an average of $99 to $199 monthly.

#8 Groupon Type Daily Deals do not offer any business loyalty rewards programs. The Johnson Group has spent over 10 years in the consumer loyalty and reward programs. Hands down TEXT CASH NETWORK WINS.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Text Cash Network Review

Click Here to Join Now 

Text Cash Network Inc. a new division of a five year old communications company owned by The Johnson Group. Brett Hudson, President of Text Cash Network Inc. has over 12 years of management experience in the high technology computer field. Brett created a start up Dot Com Company in 1996 from the ground floor and took it public within 2 years, achieved a 42 million dollar evaluation before exiting the Company. Founded a stored value card company in 2001 that was acquired by a publicly traded company in 2003.

A proven track record of success in team development, internet marketing, retail distribution, lead generation programs and guidance as well as strategic product/sales planning that resulted in profitable growth and market leadership. Consistently produces top-level sales achievements both domestically and internationally. Both Johnson and Hudson have a vision for T.C.N. with millions of agents and clients to become a Serious Global Giant. 

Is a 10 level referral grid which will track everyone you personally refer on your 1st level; everyone your 1st level personally refers to their 1st level which is your 2nd level; this grid will track everyone referred up to ten levels below your Referral Agent's Position. The only qualification to receive compensation in The Power Grid is to agree to receive up to 5 text messages and spend 3 to 5 minutes in your back office with The "Get The Word Out" Advertising Platform.

If you are in a T.C.N. non-text supported area (country) receiving up to 5 e-mails will be implemented. Each level may have an infinity number of Referral Agents. Using the power of duplication averaging 2 Referral Agents. MAXIMUM INCOME WOULD BE $2302.50 MONTHLY. If you increase such average to 3 or 4 the MAXIMUM INCOME would be to high of a dollar figure to put into print.


Is an innovative T.C.N. point driven bonus pool. It is a one line bonus pool system designed for every Referral Agent to participate even if they did not refer a single person. More Details on 11/11/11

Is a two team infinity grid. Prior to this being implemented every person will be given the opportunity to chose which team each referred person will be placed on. It will be retroactive from day one. More Details regarding The Power Team; The Power Share & The Power Match on 11/11/11

At such time full customer support will be available. We did not expect more than 6000 applications in the 1st 4 days. Keep up the great work since the current system can handle 75,000 applications daily.  

Join Now 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Text Cash Network The Time Is Now

To Join The Text Cash Network Click Here

Text Cash Network is one opportunity out of many, now what are you going to do? There are a million excuses why most people don't take action in their life. Some of us are perfectly fine with this, but if you are like me you want more. The Text Cash Network will follow in the steps of Groupon & Living Social and plan to dominate The TEXT TO SAVE MARKET PLACE. Living Social when they reached 16 million members raised $175 million dollars from Amazon and has since grown to 46 Million Members. Groupon with 44 million turned down $6 billion dollars from Google and has since grown to over 80 Million Members. The industry is estimated at $133 billion dollars that local business spend each year on advertising just in The USA.

Text Cash Network is one of the first in the industry to go after The TEXT TO SAVE MARKET PLACE estimated to be The NEXT BIG Format in USA Business Advertising. Members motivated by the T.C.N. Pay Plan will generate millions in commissions via a 10 level Referral Plan with a 100% Matching Bonus. Members will derive income from text messages received from their network, business and personal ads placed by advertisers and by corporate accounts received by T.C.N. in House Sales Representatives. 

We have the plan ready for you to make some serious income.  The next part is on you, I can show you the way and give you bits and pieces of motivation but I can't force you to take action.  You will be the guiding force behind your success.  People are joining daily and you will be able to reap some benefits, but it is time for you to become the leader that you are.  Inside of us all is a burning fire to help others and achieve greatness.  If you have been waiting for that perfect opportunity to step up to the plate, now is the time.  The coach is calling you into the game, lets play ball.  Click on the link to get started and lets make it happen. Text Cash Network Link

 Enjoy and Share the Fruits of Your Labor!  Join Now